It's Been A Minute...

Long time, no blog. I thought it was time for a bit of an update on my current situation and projects that I've got going at the moment. The big one is that

Homelab Update - Current Setup

I posted about my setup [] a couple of months ago, and the lab has mutated quite nicely from there. It's interesting the things you can come up with once

HomeLab: Crunching For Covid

When I've been looking for interesting stuff to do with my homelab kit it has occurred to me that it would be good to put some of the resources available towards a good

Building a Homelab - Part 2 - What I'm Running

In my last post I talked about how I used to work, how things have developed over the years (probably coinciding with my waning interest in tinkering with tech) with fewer toys to

Building a Homelab, On The Cheap

Back in the mists of time, BC (before children), I had a house that wasn't knee deep in Lego, half drunk cups of squash, and discarded socks. I also had a spare bedroom,